Thursday, December 27, 2007


Pride, it's a bad thing right? Well, I have some in myself today. I guess I'm going down. I figured out how to take the pictures from our various cameras and put them on my laptop. I am so technically illiterate that this deserves pride! It snowed again this morning. The girls are outside playing. COLD! I took the girls with me to get our nails done this morning. Camille refused to get color and won. But Megan and I both got ours done. So cute. Megan wanted black. Really? Okay, whatever. We went out to brunch and ran into Zac and his mom. It was good to see him. He is going to Sacramento for a week. He is so excited to use his new snowboard tomorrow. The weather is bad so I hope they arrive safely. The house is somewhat back in order. I just need to take down the tree. New Years is coming. The girls are staying with friends and William and I are going to a party. Maybe we'll just stay home. We never have the house to ourselves. We'll see.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Aftermath

Boxing Day? I should say so. The house is appropriately trashed. Sign of a good party I suppose. The garbage can is overflowing. Laundry is piled higher than Camille. I am exhausted. Can I be getting sick? I woke up with zero desire to hit the stores. I must have a fever. Christmas was wonderful. Full of friends, family and too much food. William even took work of Christmas Eve. That is a very rare occurrence. Usually in order to get him to take a day off, I need to take him out of the country! It was so nice to stay up late Christmas Eve and talk while we were getting everything ready. It was six years ago that he proposed for the first time. That's a story for another day. I can't believe it's been 6 years since we found him and Zac. The girls and I are so blessed to have them. My life is full. The kids all loved their presents. Zac got a new Ipod. His old one was, as he put it, dumb. Megan freaked when she found her first "blue box" hidden down deep in her stocking. She's tried 50 times to re-tie the bow as it came. Camille has not put her DS down. We are blessed. I think college will be the cheaper years. Zac has informed us that it is time for us to start looking at a car for him. Um, no. We are having fun teaching him to drive. It snowed this morning and then promptly melted. Maybe next time it will stick. I am looking forward to having this week off of work. I will get to do some fun things with the kids.