Monday, April 7, 2008

This Could Only Happen To Me! while we were in Utah, we were able to spend some time with my sisters Sydney and Stacey. We had a great time. Sydney and her husband, Jonas, were gracious and opened their home to us. They have 2 adorable little girls, Jocelyn and Brooklyn, and a baby boy Mason. They were so much fun. On Friday, we spent the day shopping with my sister Stacey. That evening, Matt, her husband, was going to help Camille build a model airplane for a school project. Megan would play with their kids, Bailey and Hayden. Matt is an engineer and can build just about anything. If he doesn't have blueprints, he can make it from a photo or make it from memory. They were able to find a picture of Amelia Earhart's first plane. Matt gave us a list of supplies and we went to Robert's Craft in Orem to buy everything. Stacey and Camille hit the aisles while Megan and I headed to the restroom. Okay, here's the good part. I had been talking on my cell phone on the way. As I went into the stall, I put my phone in my pocket of my capri's. The pockets were just little slits. When I was done, I reached down to grab my purse and that's when it happened. As I bent, my phone slipped from my pocket and landed right in the toilet! This was not just an ordinary toilet. It was a super, jet sucking, automatic flusher. As my phone fell into the toilet, it triggered the extremely sensitive sensor and the jet-action suction. Before I could even move, my phone was gone. I looked around for the hidden camera. There was none. It was embarrassing and humorous to inform the employees what had happened. They said I could get it back maybe on Monday when the plumber could come. I said, "hmm...I don't really want it back, I just thought you should know that you may have a plugged toilet." Who has ever flushed a phone? Only me. Typical and completely only something I could pull off! Another day in the life of Shelley. At least it wasn't the keys to my rental car. That would have been crazy!


Karebear said...

I think that story just made my day! My favorite part, "I don't want it back, I just wanted to let you know you have a plugged toliet!"

Stacey said...

But even if the toilet didn't flush yet, would you really have stuck your hand in there and gotten it out? My money is on you would have paid Camille to do it! It was super fun to have you guys out here!

Angie said...

I recall some more to the story that you neglected to tell.... Hmm.... I can't be absolutley sure though!!! :)

Erica Johnston said...

Love it! Only you!!! I also love that you broke the camera and lost the phone within 3 bolgs of eachother! I think we need to refinance to fund your electronics problem;).