Monday, September 28, 2009

Time is Flying!

School has started and we're crazy busy. Zac is a sophomore and playing football. He is really doing well. It's fun to see him enjoy himself so much. Megan is now a freshman in high school. She is enjoying it, but thinks it way hyped too much. She is playing soccer on the JV team. She is having a great time. Camille is in 7th grade and loving it. She lives for school. She is also busy with soccer. Her team, the Storm, is playing in a premier league. That means half of our games are at home and half are in Portland. Between the girls soccer and Zac's football, we have 7 weekends in a row in Portland. I'm so tired of that drive! But they are all having a great time. Here are some pictures of the girls the first week of school.


Amy E. said...

Shelley! Do you remember me from King Henry? Amy Strong who used to live right above you with Mandy?? Anyway, email me at and I'll invite you to see my blog and maybe we can catch up a bit!!You look fabulous! I found your blog thru Audrey's. I found her on FB.

Karebear said...

That is exciting. I wouldn't picture Zac as a football player, he seems to skinny. I guess if he is fast than he has nothing to worry about.

The girls look wonderful. I hope they enjoy Soccer. Scott started soccer this fall and he is in heaven. He hasn't quite figured out all the rules yet, but it is fun to watch. Enjoy the driving.

Erica Johnston said...

They look beautiful!